信楽大壷 - Old Shigaraki Stoneware Jar
秋野鹿蒔絵手箱 - Izumo Oyashiro Deer  in Autumn Fields, Gold-Painted Small Lacquer Box
室生寺十一面観音像 - Muroji Eleven-Faced Kwan-Yin, the Goddess of Mercy
縄文土器 - Deep Earthenware Bowl
銅鐸 - Bronze Bell-shaped Vessels with Flowing Water Patterns
郭子儀図襖 - Daijoji Temple Portrait of Kakushigi by Maruyama Okyo
高蔵寺阿弥陀坐像 - Kozoji Sitting Amitabha Buddha
楽天 - The Inherited Heavenly Figure of Horyuji Temple
能面(女面) - Old Mask of a Woman
音声菩薩 - Todaiji Musical Bodhisattva
制咜迦童子 - -
舞楽図屏風 - Daigoji Folding Screen of Song and Dance by Tawaraya Sotatsu
神護寺経経帙 - The Jingoji Buddhist Scrolls and Cloth
鹿はにわ - Cray Figurine of a Deer Looking Backwards
円空仏 - Standing Statue of Eleven-Faced Buddha by Enku
円成寺大日如来 - -
勾玉 - Bead Jewel
伝唐招提寺化仏 - Kebutsu
聖林寺十一面観音像 - Shorinji Eleven-Faced Kwan-Yin, the Goddess of Mercy
金銅半跏思惟像 - Bodhisattva Meditating On a Winter Mountain
伽陵頻迦文華蔓 - Chusonji Gold-Gilded Bronze Decorative Piece of the Karyobin Mythical Beast
聖林寺十一面観音像 - Shorinji Eleven-Faced Kwan-Yin, the Goddess of Mercy
縄文土偶 - Clay Figurine with Snow Goggles
羽黒鏡 - The Haguro Mirror
日月山水図屏風 - Folding Screen Depicting Sun, Moon, Mountain and Water
苔寺庭園 - The Garden of Saihoji Temple
談山神社十三重塔 - Tanzan Shrine , Thirteen Story Pagoda
浄楽寺不動明王像 - Jorakuji Standing Statue of Acala
蝶金具 - Butterfly imaged metal of Kyochitsu
中宮寺半跏思惟像 - -